Fun Riddles


Question: There are five people at a table and a pie sliced into 5 pieces. Each person has a piece of pie in front of them, yet the pie tin still has a piece of pie in it. How is this possible?

Question: A man is trapped in a room. In the room their is a table, chair, 2 doors, and a small hole in the ceiling 12 inches in diameter. Behind one of the doors is an extremely hungry lion that hasn't eaten in a couple of days. Behind the other door is a glass tunnel that magnifies the sun creating temperatures so high that even opening the door could kill you.

How does the man escape?

Question: Every time you lose something, you always find it in the very last place you would look.

Why is this?

Question: Which comes first, chicken or egg?

Question: I can be half without getting thinner.
I can shine with no fire.
I can be hidden but never taken.
I can stay dry while moving the ocean.

What am I?