23 ratings
2 saves
Question: I was the first and now I am the one.
What am I?
11 ratings
0 saves
By Yohana
Question: What takes you up and brings you down but never moves?
11 ratings
0 saves
By Banshees13
Question: What is in the valley of the glass doors. Listen to the words the houses have no roofs or doors, it just has walls. So what's in the valley of the glass doors?
11 ratings
0 saves
Question: There are 3 chests, labelled food, beds and food and beds.True enough, one chest contains only food, one chest contains only beds and one chest contains both. You are warned that the chests' labels may be lying collectively, or not at all. How can you tell which chest contains what by just opening one of them?
11 ratings
0 saves
Question: A man goes to work taking a very long bus route, transferring to different buses many times. First, he gets on bus number 60, then bus number 12, then bus number 240, then bus number 48. Which two buses would he get on next?
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