Best Riddles and Answers

numbers (medium)

Question: One becomes seven but each stands alone

Question: It’s as old as the day is long and often comes in song It’s sometimes wet but mostly dry It can come in pairs and also squares It’s ugly and beautiful all in the same crucible Some only stare while others compare From big to small it can conquer all What is it?

Time for Men (medium)

Question: Time belongs to men twice a day - what time is it?

Word (medium)

Question: There is a 5 letter word, if you take away the 5th letter, it is still the same. If you take away the 1st letter it is also the same. Even if you take away the 3rd letter, it is still the same. You can even take away the 5th, 3rd and the 1st, at the same time!!!!!!!!

Who am I? (medium)

Question: I will give you power I will give you gold just to see who you really are!! Who am I?