14 ratings
4 saves
Question: I sizzle like bacon, I'm made with an egg.
I have plenty of backbone, but not a good leg.
I peel layers like an onion, but still remain whole.
I can be long like a flagpole, yet I fit in a hole.
What am I?
14 ratings
1 saves
By Nigig
Question: My first is third, like the sound of the sea. My second is the center of you, not me. My third is the end of him, not you. My fourth starts a picture, not a view. My fifth is in bean, though not in been, My sixth and seventh start seldom seen. Sunrise and sunset, warmth and cold, Put these together and a sign will unfold.
14 ratings
0 saves
By David
Question: A man was looking at a picture. While staring at the picture he said, brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who is in the picture?
7 ratings
1 saves
Question: Everything is what it is not, but everything is not what it is. So what is everything?
7 ratings
0 saves
By riddler123
Question: Alive without breath. As cold as death. Never thirsty ever drinking. All in mail never clinking.
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