Best Riddles and Answers


Question: What can you do with your mind, and have in your heart; What makes music in your purse, and is not the same from the start?

Question: Tall as a tree, dressed in white, my bridal veil is shiny bright Up all night, never sleeping: if i rest, many are weeping. Upon the shores since the days of old, my silent message what am i?

Bob and Ann (medium)

Question: Bob and Ann were found dead in a puddle of water and glass. What happened?

Question: On 20 planes I may be, but only rest on one you see. I can help you or hurt you, depending on where I lay. Because I am not the kind you use everyday

Ordinary word (medium)

Question: I am just an ordinary word that comes in form of a man, accepted by many but rejected by a few, not felt by many but felt by a few, not shown by many but shown by a few. What am I?