
About: I am a student.

Author's Riddles

Ordinary word (medium)

Question: I am just an ordinary word that comes in form of a man, accepted by many but rejected by a few, not felt by many but felt by a few, not shown by many but shown by a few. What am I?

war (medium)

Question: I am the comfort of men, when they lie on me I take them to war, if we are victorious I bring them back alive if we aren't I bring them back dead. What am I ?

The five sons (medium)

Question: I am the first son of my father, I can live without men but men can't live without me, the second son of my father has seen men rise and fall and have all of their secrets in his belly, the third son of my father can never give you his gift forever, he takes it from you when you corrupt it unknowingly but men cry for his gift no matter its cost, the fourth son of my father is an obedient servant in the hands of men but when he losses his master he becomes an unmercifully god, the fifth son of my father is the center of our lives, he guides us but he is a divine mystery. What are we?