Funny Jokes


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Joke: Teacher: Give me a sentence that starts with the letter, "I".
Student: Okay! I is the...
Teacher: Stop! Don't say 'is' after "I". Always put 'am' after "I".
Student: Okay! I am the ninth letter of the alphabet!

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Joke: What's the best way to comfort a grammar Nazi?

Punch line: There, their, they're.

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Joke: A man went to the dentist because he was missing some teeth. The dentist asks him, "How exactly did this happen?"

He replies, "My wife's bread is as hard as a rock!"

The dentist says, "You could have said no to eating it."

The man replies, "I know, how do you think this happened?"

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Joke: What gets bigger every time you see your wife?

Punch line: Your wife!

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Joke: How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Alabama?

Punch line: Anyone else would have called it a teethbrush.

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