29 ratings
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Joke: A new father is sitting down with his father for a drink. His dad tells him, "Now that you're a father yourself it's time I give you something."
He replies, "Dad, you're not talking about-."
His father interrupts, "Yes. It's time." With this he hands him a copy of '1000 Dad Jokes, 6th Edition' to his son.
He says with a tear in his eye, "Dad, I'm honored."
"Hi honored," his father replies, "I'm dad."
2 ratings
0 saves
Joke: What's the difference between Alcoholics Anonymous and Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous?
8 ratings
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Joke: Little Johnny's teacher asks him, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"
His teacher asks him again more slowly, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
But again Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"
Next she asks, "If I get two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would I have?"
Little Johnny replies, "Six!"
"Good Job Johnny! Now if I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"
Johnny thinks for a second, "Seven."
His teacher gets mad, "Johnny, where do you get seven?!"
Johnny replies, "You gave me six cats, and I already have a freaking cat!"
10 ratings
3 saves
Joke: Yo mama jokes are so overused and old... Just like yo mama!
37 ratings
0 saves
Joke: A priest, a pedophile, and a rapist walk into a bar... And that's just the first guy!
2 ratings
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Joke: What do you call a nun in a wheelchair?