About: i play football baseball and wrestling and used play soccer
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By cman
Question: if you go back in tie and kill your grandfather. you will never exist but if you never exist how do kill him. so does he die and you, or do you both live, or do you die and he lives or vice versa there is no answer. i was wondering
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By cman
Question: Cleopatra, and Anthony are lying dead on the floor. Caesar is standing over them. there is broken glass, and water on the floor they didn't drown how did they die
Answer: Cleopatra, and Anthony are gold fish in a bowl, and Ceasar is a cat. Ceasar Knocked over their bowl
3 ratings
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By cman
Joke: What did Osama Bin Laden's ghost say to Mitt Romney?
Punch line: Don't be sad, Obama's foreign policy killed me too.
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By cman
Joke: 3 guys walk into a bar, and the 4th one ducks why
Punch line: because it was a metal bar
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By cman
Joke: what can you but it cant catch you, and you cant throw it or see it
Punch line: a cold