Short Riddles and Answers


Question: There are ten horses in a field. They each have a stable. There was a storm one day and struck one of the stables. The stable burned. There are now 9 stables. Every horse has to go in a stable at night. You can't build another stable and you can't fit 2 horses in one stable. How do you fit ten horses in 9 stables?

Question: After looking for his long lost brother that he has never met before, Justin is able to learn his brother's home address and name. When he shows up at his house he finds a fireman, a police man, and a mechanic watching television. He immediately hugs his brother.

How does he know which one is his brother?

Question: One day, a guy is on the street in the middle of the night , he saw some famous people . He suspect something is not right because the guy saw they are flying so he called a cop .But, the cop immediately went away after he said something to him,after that he knew he is wrong.What did the cop said?(three words)

Riddle (medium)

By Crow

Question: Oh how you love me: to some I'm a must. But to get what you need, you grind me to dust. I am dark and bitter, and when I'm white I lack meat. In winter you drink me, and in spring I'm used in a feast. I am a tree of summer and in autumn I'm a gift on an eve, while all year round I'm quite the reprieve. What am I?

Question: A very famous chemist was found murdered in his kitchen today. The police have narrowed it down to six suspects. They know it was a two man job. Their names: Felice, Maxwell, Archibald, Nicolas, Jordan, and Xavier.

A note was also found with the body: '26-3-58/28-27-57-16'.

Who are the killers?