8 ratings
0 saves
Question: A man entered a house. There was no one else in the house. He walked in to a room, stopped, and slowly raised his hands above his head. After a moment, he turned around, let out a laugh, and left. Why?
5 ratings
0 saves
By PenguinX
Question: Something you know nobody knows, and everyone knows something you don't. We all know something, nobody knows everything, and you know something someone doesn't know. What else could nobody know?
6 ratings
0 saves
By PurpleShep
Question: There were 2 children, the son and the daughter. The daughter was born on January 20th and the son was born on March 12th. Both of them were born in the morning. Which one did their parents see first?
51 ratings
6 saves
By IamTHEbest
Question: A man was shot while in his car. The person who shot him was outside of the car. However, all the windows were up and the doors locked. There were no holes in the car though.
How was he shot?
22 ratings
2 saves
Question: A dad and his four boys stand in line.
All crowned, they toil in darkness.
Another family they see, two birds of a feather.
All of them together clad in leather.
What are they?
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