Long Riddles and Answers

Who am I? (medium)

Question: A father and his son are in a car accident and the father dies on the scene, so the father is out of the picture. The son is brought to the hospital and when he arrives, the surgeon said, "I can`t operate on my own son!" Who is the surgeon?

Question: A grandfather has a broken grandfather clock that is off by a minute every hour (too fast). He figures out a way, while keeping it running at the same rate, to make the clock say the correct time twice a day.

How could he do this?

?What am I (medium)

Question: People look at me all the time. I have a large vocabulary. I can teach people a lot of new things. I can be mysterious, funny, adventurous, romantic, scary, and sad. I tell stories. I can take people to other worlds. What am I?

The Houses (medium)

Question: At a neighborhood there is a house in the middle that is red, the one to the left that is blue, and the one to the right that is green. The red house contains red bricks, the blue one contains blue bricks, what does the green one contain?

Question: You have two buckets: one with only white marbles and one with only black marbles. The two buckets have the same number of marbles.

How can you rearrange the marbles to maximize your chances of grabbing a white marble from each?