47.8k views20 ratings1 saves
By FrozenGirl636
Question: What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle
26.2k views15 ratings0 saves
By loveanime123
Question: What goes up AND comes down?
Answer: Water (It evaporates and forms into clouds then comes down in raindrops.)
19.9k views16 ratings0 saves
By Banshees13
Question: Why is 12 divided in half 7?
Answer: Because in Roman numerals 12 is xii. Divided in half it becomes vii. And vii, is equal to 7
8.8k views5 ratings0 saves
By squidgeyflyer81
Question: what do you call a magic owl
Answer: hoo-dini
13.7k views14 ratings0 saves
By 4God
Question: What is tall and have 4 legs
Answer: A table
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