Long Riddles and Answers


Question: A man was driving a black car. His lights were off. The moon shown no light. A cat was in the middle of the road. How did he know to stop?

By Stephen King

Question: Not chest or box is now discussed. Money can be held in it, but just as we test its metal, within it there is rust.

[What is it?]

Question: Old mother twitchet had one eye and a tail that she let fly and every time she went through a trap she left a bit of her tail in the trap.

Jungle (medium)

Question: You are in a jungle and you come across a lion and a jaguar. You have a gun but there is only one bullet left. Which one do you shoot?

Question: Lil Johnny's mom has 4 sons named Nickel, Dime, and Quarter: What is the forth sons name? ( And it's not Penny 'cause that's a girl name.)