Long Riddles and Answers


Question: Sometimes I'm high and sometimes low,
and I creep between your toes.
My orders come from the sky,
I make men fall and rise.

What am I?

Question: I get dirty in about 5 days but it takes half an hour to clean me. It takes a long time for me to be tall but I can be short in about 2 seconds what am I ?

Question: You are driving and you are hungry and thirsty.On the road you find 2 doors.1 has food and 1 has water(drinkable).:Question:What door do you open first????

By Bist

Question: Having one, means having something to follow. Once you question it, it means having none. People seek it, but some do and some don't find it. What is it?

Journal (medium)

Question: A guy writes in his journal. He writes "Hey, journal, today I... 'Dinner is ready!' Is what his wife said." But the guy had no wife. How is this possible?