Good Riddles

Stove (medium)

Question: A man wants to start a forest fire.There are 80 trees and you have a lighter. How many trees should he burn?

Question: Once you are in my sight, you are gone in a flash, and people tend to use me for cash. I am often used as a dire assist, and people often believe that I cause harm, when I am but its catalyst. What am I?

Question: If you are Canadian when you go into the washroom and your Canadian when you come out of the washroom. What are you when you are in the washroom?

......... (medium)

Question: What is black white black white black white black white?

.... (medium)

Question: 2 Kingdoms are at war. The 1st kingdom are almost out of soldiers. One soldier managed to get in front of the king of the 2nd kingdom, but he didn't kill him. Why?