Good Riddles


Question: If you throw me out of the window,
I'll leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back, but through a door,
You'll see someone giving life.

What am I?

Riddle #113 (medium)

Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind.
What are they?

Question: Sum Sam and Product Pete are in class when their teacher gives Sam the Sum of two numbers and Pete the product of the same two numbers (these numbers are greater than or equal to 2). They must figure out the two numbers.

Sam: I don't know what the numbers are Pete.
Pete: I knew you didn't know the numbers... But neither do I.
Sam: In that case, I do know the numbers.

What are the numbers?

Riddle #23 (medium)

Question: Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not.

What is it?

Question: If a white house is white and a yellow house is yellow, what color is a green house?