Good Riddles

GreenGRiN142 (medium)

Question: I support the fallen (ones) I restrain the naughty (ones) I replace the nonexistent (ones) What am I?

GreenGRiN271 (medium)

Question: "Good morning!" - I appear again! Time for breakfast - I`m long as F*** Its dinner time - I`m crouching down Supper time approaches - I`m on my tippy toes "Good night!" - ...gone again... What am I?

GreenGRiN392 (medium)

Question: And, here I am! Between sea and land! Connecting one to another Bringing two friends together! What am I?

GreenGRiN425 (medium)

Question: Sun is rising, off we go! Who will win the daily race!? He leads, I lead, way to go I lead, he leads, equal pace... Back and forth we race whole day Who will win the daily race!? Sun is sinking, side by side we stay To a halt has come the chase. What am I?

GreenGRiN568 (medium)

Question: From "N" to "S" I travel I wish I had a paddle... The closer I get- there`s less of me Further away from "N" I flee In the surroundings I slowly fade One soul for another I trade What am I?