Good Riddles

Croaked (medium)

Question: What's green & yellow & red all over

Splash trap. (medium)

Question: Two 5 year old boys stand on their balcony collecting rain. Boy 1 catches 2 cups of water whilst boy 2 catches 3. They see a smart looking man walking down the street. The boys make a bet to see who will get the man wetter. Boy 1 is 2 metres closer to the edge than boy 2 and the balcony is 25 metres from the street. Which boy will get the smart man wettest?

Cops (medium)

Question: Two cops walk into a doughnut shop. One gets a sprinkle doughnut and the second one gets a sugar doughnut. What did the third cop get?

I am (medium)

Question: I am the one thing that stays after fire , I am the one that choke liars and yet the wind is my foe, in the morning I’ll be gone! Who am I?

Question: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 what comes next?