Good Riddles

Riddle #781 (medium)

By Set

Question: Something all men have,
but all men deny.
Man created it,
but no man can hold it.

What is it?

Question: What is the longest word in the dictionary?

Question: I'm written with two letters, said with one and seen with two.What am I?

Riddle #660 (medium)

Question: Christmas and New Year's Day occur exactly one week apart. So a New Year's that occurs right after Christmas should be on the same day of the week. But in the year 2020 Christmas will occur on a Friday and New Year's on a Wednesday.

Why is this?

Riddle #81 (medium)

Question: A person has one lion, one lamb and a bundle of grass. He wants to cross a river but there is only one boat and it can't sustain the weight of more than two articles at time. Also, he has to make sure that the lion doesn't eat the lamb and the lamb doesn't eat the grass. How will he get to the other side of the river with all three intact?