Good Riddles


Question: My name can have any letter of the alphabet, but I always have 2 X's.

What am I?

Question: I live above a star, but I do not burn.
I have 11 friends, but they do not turn.
I am visited in sequence: never, once, or repeatedly.
My initials are PQRS.

Now tell me, what do I mean?

Question: A wise person was once sentenced to death by a king. The king couldn't decide how to execute him so he said to the wise person, you can say anything you want, if it is true, I will hang you, if it is not true I will shoot you. In the end the king released the wise man. What did the wise man say?

Riddle #127 (medium)

Question: John put a coin in a bottle and put a cork on the bottle and later managed to get the coin out without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle. How did he do it?

Riddle #243 (medium)

Question: A man leaves his house in the morning and kisses his wife. On his way home from work he sees that somebody has hit a power line. He immediately knows his wife has died.

How did he know this?