Good Riddles


Question: When I am released to the wind,
you look away and you pretend,
but away your friends I will send.

What am I?

Riddle #260 (medium)

Question: Mrs. Stotch is a fifth grade teacher. One of her students took her apple. Mrs. Stotch has narrowed the suspects down to Billy, Paige, and Tyler. Each of these students give these statements:

Billy: I didn't do it.
Paige: I didn't do it.
Tyler: Paige did it!

Mrs. Stotch knows that only one of the kids is telling the truth. Which one is telling the truth and who took the apple?

Riddle #1007 (medium)

Question: You have two buckets: one with only white marbles and one with only black marbles. The two buckets have the same number of marbles.

How can you rearrange the marbles to maximize your chances of grabbing a white marble from each?

Riddle #1215 (medium)

Question: One falls but never breaks and the other breaks but never falls?

What are they?

Riddle #643 (medium)

Question: I am shorter when I stand and taller when I sit.
Sometimes I'm even called a pit.

What am I?