Good Riddles


Question: Why don't most buildings have a 13th floor?

Question: There are 3 men, two Chimps, and one Gorilla on one side of a river:

  • They have a boat but only the men and the Gorilla can row the boat across, so there must always be a human and/or Gorilla on the boat.
  • The boat can only carry two people/monkeys.
  • If monkeys and humans are together on one side of the river there must be as many or more people than monkeys for the men's safety.
How can all men and monkeys make it to the other side?

Question: You have lost your mother at the carnival. You search for her and eventually you see her.

What's the first thing you do when you see her?

Question: How can forty elephants have forty-fore heads?

Riddle #1318 (medium)

Question: Swallowing one is fine.
Swallowing two together is fine.
But Swallow them separately and all shall fall.

What are they?