Good Riddles

Solve me (medium)

Question: I am as thin as paper, smaller than string. I blow in the wind. What am I?

Question: A man entered a house. There was no one else in the house. He walked in to a room, stopped, and slowly raised his hands above his head. After a moment, he turned around, let out a laugh, and left. Why?

Question: The mouse that can walk is Mickey. But the duck that can walk is who?

Question: Name two different words using following words only... 1. Without me 60% living beinga cant survive.. 2. Without me none ( living+non-living cant survive... 3. Both have five letters each but both r anagrams of each other..

Riddle #2280 (medium)

Question: Follower of man, Dark as night, A trained Choreographer, Comes after light.