Good Riddles

Ski Trip (medium)

Question: Mary and jack are newly weds and want to go on a ski trip... So jack starts planning. He books a flight for them to Colorado. When they get there Mary gets pushed off the cliff. There is a guy in Hawaii named Sam and he was reading the paper. He right away said the husband did it. How does he know? HINTS: they have never met in person, jack did not tell Sam, he was not guessing, and it did not say it in the news paper.

Barbie Joke (medium)

Question: What happens when you roast Barbie?

Question: What's cheaper than gold, yet more valuable.Hard to find, but easy to loose

Question: You have a bag with 'N' strings in it. You randomly grab two ends and tie them together until there are no more loose ends.

In the end, what is the expected number of loops (strings tied to their own end)?

Riddle #614 (medium)

Question: A book has 500 pages:

  • The 1st page says "Exactly 1 page in this book is false."
  • The 2nd page says "Exactly 2 pages in this book are false."
  • ...
  • The 500th page says "Exactly 500 pages in this book are false."
Can any of the pages be true?