Good Riddles

riddle (medium)

Question: What is hot but doesn't burn?

GreenGRiN659 (medium)

Question: Sometimes I`m good, sometimes I`m bad Sometimes you wait for me, sometimes you fear me Sometimes you see me, sometimes you hear me... Sometimes you make me, sometimes you even spread me What am I?

Riddler101 (medium)

Question: I rise and fall no matter what, only at finals rest do I not budge, what am I?

Riddle #2901 (medium)

Question: When you don't have me, you want me, but when you do have me, you want to give me away. What am I?

Riddle #368 (medium)

Question: A police officer was walking outside of a diner. He heard somebody yell inside the diner "No, John not the gun," followed by a gun shot. The officer immediately ran inside and found a milkman, a doctor, a lawyer, and the dead body. The cop immediately arrested the milkman.

How did the officer know the milkman man did it?