Good Riddles

The pool (medium)

Question: 20 kids go inside the pool and 20 for heads come out

substance (medium)

Question: you have two liquid substances in a sealed jar one yellow one white, they stay separate even when shaken. When poured out the white substance turns clear what am i?

The Driver (medium)

Question: You are driving a car.. The car traveled for 25 km and then stopped.. After having lunch he starts the car at exact 3 pm and stops at 5 again.. he travels for only 2 hours every time. Who is the driver?

Doctor (medium)

Question: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed.They were carried to hospitals.And the doctor who looked the son told "i will rescue u because u r my son.How is this possible?

Down and Up (medium)

Question: What comes down and never goes up?