Good Riddles

Tribe (medium)

Question: You come across a Native American tribe and the leader wants to kill. He tells you, you can say your final words. If you tell the truth you will be burned at the stake. If you lie he will shoot you. What do you say to ensure survival?

Riddle #3500 (medium)

By Sal

Question: I can hurt you unbearably and can't be touched. What am I?

Riddle #3449 (medium)

By Sal

Question: What goes around comes around?

Riddle #83 (easy)

Question: There was once three trees. The first tree did whatever the third tree did, and the third tree did what ever the second one does. What happens if tree number two gets cut down?

Question: I'm the eyelid to your life and hide you when you're inside.
You can draw me and you can pull me, but you must leave to see my good side.

What am I?