Good Riddles

Riddle #786 (medium)

Question: I cannot hear or even see,
but sense light and sounds there may be.
Sometimes I end up on the hook,
or even deep into a book.

What am I?

Riddle #788 (medium)

Question: In a town their is a barber who cuts everybody in the town's hair. But nobody in the town cuts their own hair. Yet the barbers always has beautifully kept and full hair.

Who cuts the barber's hair?

Question: There are 57 ducks walking to a pond. On the way, 15 get lost, 26 head back, and 16 make it to the pond.

What happened to the rest?

By sde

Question: I move slowly but I'm dead. I leave and then I'm back.I'm clear and then I'm red. I'm many neurotics' snack. What am I?

Question: I have a tongue but cannot taste.
I have a soul but cannot feel.

What am I?