Good Riddles

Riddle #1072 (medium)

Question: Round like a apple, deep like a cup, but all the kings horses can't pull it up.

What is it?

Riddle #1078 (medium)

Question: A deaf and mute man goes to the train station. Tickets for the train are 50 cents each. The man goes to the ticket booth and hands the man inside just a dollar. The man in the booth hands him two tickets.

How did the man in the booth know to give him two tickets without even looking at him?

Riddle #1087 (medium)

Question: With one you can't count past six,
nor can the gap between v and x be fixed.
You can read all of these lines,
but can't say what solves me.

What am I?

Lost (medium)

Question: If you lose one of me, you are upset, bewildered, and perplexed.
If you lose two of me, you are blissfully unaware.

What am I?

Riddle #1102 (medium)

Question: A claustrophobic person gets on a train. The train enters a tunnel just as it is leaving the station.

Where is the best place for him to sit?