Good Riddles

Riddle #500 (medium)

Question: Two boys, Trevor and Tyler, are running a 100 meter race. The first time they race Trevor beats Tyler by 5 meters. To make things fair, the next time they race Trevor stands 5 meters behind the starting line.

Who wins the second race (assuming they run the same speed as the first race)?

Question: Before man discovered Mt. Everest, what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Riddle #437 (medium)

Question: What is the difference between a dollar and a half and thirty five-cents?

Riddle #243 (medium)

Question: A man leaves his house in the morning and kisses his wife. On his way home from work he sees that somebody has hit a power line. He immediately knows his wife has died.

How did he know this?

Riddle #1331 (medium)

Question: A dad and his four boys stand in line.
All crowned, they toil in darkness.
Another family they see, two birds of a feather.
All of them together clad in leather.

What are they?