Good Riddles

GreenGRiN142 (medium)

Question: I support the fallen (ones) I restrain the naughty (ones) I replace the nonexistent (ones) What am I?

GreenGriN012 (medium)

Question: I have mountains but no heights I have seas but no water I have forests but no trees I have North & South & East & even West, but no direction What am I?

Dirty joke!! (medium)

Question: What’s a four-letter word that ends in “k” and means the same as intercourse?

Blind Man (medium)

Question: A deaf walked to the bar . How will he ask for a drink?? yes correct . The answer is Hand movement likes thumbs up and showing towards the mouth. Another deaf walked to the stationary and how will he ask for scissors.?? Correct . The answer is Hand movement. as showing two fingers opening and closing. A blind walked to a pet shop. How will he ask for a cat???

Question: What is between England and France ??