Good Riddles

Riddle #842 (medium)

Question: What is 40 divided by 1/2, plus 15?

School (medium)

Question: Nathan has math 4 times a week. If he has math 8:00 Monday, 9:20 on Tuesday, 10:40 on Wednesday, and 1:20 on Friday, when does Nathan have math on Thursday?

Riddle #362 (medium)

Question: I open to close but I close to open.
I'm surrounded by water but I'm never soaking.

What am I?

riddle (medium)

Question: How do you make the number ONE disappear?

Riddle #79 (medium)

Question: One evening a man started to run. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. Then he started running home. When he got home there were 2 masked men waiting for him. Who were they?