Good Riddles

Riddle #362 (medium)

Question: I open to close but I close to open.
I'm surrounded by water but I'm never soaking.

What am I?

Riddle #363 (medium)

Question: Which side of a cat has the most fur?

Riddle #364 (medium)

Question: A group of ten people are going out for pizza but only two of them have an umbrella to keep them dry. But they manage to walk all the way to the pizza place without getting wet.

How is this possible?

Riddle #368 (medium)

Question: A police officer was walking outside of a diner. He heard somebody yell inside the diner "No, John not the gun," followed by a gun shot. The officer immediately ran inside and found a milkman, a doctor, a lawyer, and the dead body. The cop immediately arrested the milkman.

How did the officer know the milkman man did it?

Riddle #370 (medium)

Question: There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?