Good Riddles


By William Shakespeare

Question: What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?

Question: In an apartment complex in New York there are one hundred married couples. When one of the husbands cheats on his wife with one of the other wives, his wife has no idea. With the large amount of gossip in the complex, all of the other wives know he is cheating. If a wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her, she kills him the following morning. Someone anonymously sends an email to all of the wives in the building saying that at least 1 man is cheating on his wife in the building.

How many husbands will be killed and how long will it take?

Question: You have a cup of tea (A) and a cup of coffee (B) (equal amounts), and you take a spoonful of the coffee (B) and mix it thoroughly into the tea (A). Then you take a spoonful of tea (A) and mix it with the coffee (B). Does the cup that originally had tea in it (A) have more coffee or does the cup that originally had coffee in it (B) have more tea?

By Plato

Question: There is a story that a man and not a man
Saw and did not see a bird and not a bird
Perched on a branch and not a branch
And hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock.

[How is this possible?]

Question: John has three daughters who are all unmarried. The youngest always lies, the oldest always tells the truth, and the one in the middle either tells the truth or lies. A very rich young man comes to John's house and says he wishes to marry one of his daughters. Naturally he wants to marry the oldest or the youngest so he will always know if she is lying or telling the truth. John agrees but says he can only ask one of the girls a yes or no question to decide which one he marries. They all look the same age.

What one question does he ask one of the daughters at random to figure out which daughter is the youngest or oldest?