Good Riddles

The man (medium)

Question: A man walks into a bar and buys 3 pints in total costing 5 pounds the man leaves the bar wirhout spending a penny. Hows this?

.... (medium)

Question: What is little in Arab and big in Barcelona?

riddle #1 (medium)

Question: You use me. I keep you neat. Every once in a while you empty me out. What am i?

Riddle (medium)

Question: I can be curved or straight And have many legs But with four letters less I am exactly the same What am I?(5 letters)

What am I (medium)

Question: From a Bishop to a redhead Or an elf to an Inca From solitary to shy From green to purple Or Garnet to wood From glossy to magnificent Even a fish to a rhinoceros.... What are they?