Good Riddles

Riddle #3055 (medium)

Question: I fall while I'm flying, but can't touch the ground. I'm beaten all day, yet don't make a sound. I try to leave when you keep hitting me, but you always manage to somehow get me. No matter what I do, I always find my way back to you. What could I possibly be?

Question: Twelve pears hanging high, twelve men passing by. Each took a pear and left eleven hanging there. How can this be?

Question: I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness. You can't express happiness without me, yet I'm in the midst of crosses. You may find me in the sun, but never in the evening. What am I?

Question: This is this puzzle. This is is puzzle. This is how puzzle. This is to puzzle. This is keep puzzle. This is someone puzzle. This is busy puzzle. This is for puzzle. This is forty puzzle. This is seconds puzzle.

Question: My name is Ruger. I live in a farm. There are four other dogs in the farm with me. Their names are Snowy, Flash, Speed, and Brownie. Who is the fifth dog?