Good Riddles

Riddle #3 (medium)

Question: A man goes to work taking a very long bus route, transferring to different buses many times. First, he gets on bus number 60, then bus number 12, then bus number 240, then bus number 48. Which two buses would he get on next?

Question: A child asked his grandfather: "When you were young, what were you?" The grandfather replied, "I am one hundred, nothing, one thousand, one and one hundred". What's his career?

Question: You wait for it. It cracks, stays for a moment, and then vanishes before your eyes. What is it?

Question: Upon your lonely journey I accompany you, whether you travel through endless mountains or seas of blue. Wherever you go, I keep your place. Lost you're not, when I'm embraced. What am I?

1st or 2nd (medium)

By Jdog

Question: You got a trophy that was two feet tall and your friend got a trophy that was 1 yard tall. Did you get 1st or 2nd?