Good Riddles

Farmer riddle (medium)

Question: A farmer has 10 cows, all but six die. How many are left?

Question: I am immobile yet I move, I am individual, but I reside with with my own, I am either brought up organized or disheveled, My existence brings satisfaction, other times pain. What am I?

Question: What laughs while stalking prey, but never goes in for the kill?

Question: I supply the facts, but you supply the thoughts. I am also used to describe realistic droughts. My inhabitants are abstract as their places, And I provide details of their words & faces. I hold details in a very complex form, I may cause your mind to conjure up a storm. I hold many different views from different eyes, My facts can be hard to find; as if in disguise. I may tell of facts, but it may be theories I contain, I can inform, persuade, and can even entertain. I tell of a little girl, and of men chasing a whale, and only through me can you find the answer to this tale. What am I?

a couple (medium)

Question: There is a couple that is always together. They go anywhere they want to go. They can't be separated. No one can touch them. They are the size of a ping pong ball. What is it?