Good Riddles

What is it? (medium)

Question: I come in many different colors. I create boundaries to keep things concealed and safe. My best friend is a lock and I am also made of different materials as well. I love to travel: you can find me anywhere. What am I?

Question: It flies, it walks, it runs on land, It takes, it gives, but without hands, It carries and delights, Falls and frights. Normally a creature of white it is. What is it?

Think (medium)

Question: I am there !!! but I was!!!

TruTh (medium)

Question: He Knows Everything!! But No one Knows him!!!

Question: A man is dressed in black , top hat is black, shirt and pants are black,shoes are black he is black *not to be racist* , and a driver comes by and stops at the last second before running into him even with the street lights turned off. How does the driver see him?