Good Riddles

Riddle #3055 (medium)

Question: I fall while I'm flying, but can't touch the ground. I'm beaten all day, yet don't make a sound. I try to leave when you keep hitting me, but you always manage to somehow get me. No matter what I do, I always find my way back to you. What could I possibly be?

The five sons (medium)

Question: I am the first son of my father, I can live without men but men can't live without me, the second son of my father has seen men rise and fall and have all of their secrets in his belly, the third son of my father can never give you his gift forever, he takes it from you when you corrupt it unknowingly but men cry for his gift no matter its cost, the fourth son of my father is an obedient servant in the hands of men but when he losses his master he becomes an unmercifully god, the fifth son of my father is the center of our lives, he guides us but he is a divine mystery. What are we?

Riddler101 (medium)

Question: Some people peel my skin some people don't, you eat me nevertheless, with or without, what am I?

Riddle (medium)

Question: What sport is not a sport

Riddle #176 (medium)

Question: I live off of a busy street,
if you want you can stay for an hour or two,
but if you don't pay rent I'll tell on you.

What am I?