Good Riddles


Question: Something longer than a camel but shorter ever than a Cup?

Riddle 2 (medium)

Question: What do you call an elephant in a phone booth?

Mary's Mother (medium)

Question: Mary's mother had 4 daughters. May, June, July, and.....?

the hard one (medium)

Question: What's hard Smells like the ocean And is full of seamon

Strategic (medium)

Question: A girl went to school, and her teacher asked her how old she was. Girl: I don't know, but I know I'm half my mother's age Teacher: how old is your mother Girl: I don't know, but she is 5 years younger than my dad Teacher: how old is your dad Girl: I don't know, but if you add all our ages, they count up to 100. How old is the girl, mother, and dad?