Good Riddles


Question: One day, the boss, named Harold, changed the computer's password. Then one of his employees, named Ted, came up to him and asked if he changed the password. Harold said, " yes I did change the password Ted." Ted replied " may you tell me?" Harold thought and said, " um.. Ok. The password is in this riddle" The employee said" ok got it. What is the riddle sir?" What is the password?

The Hotel (medium)

Question: There is this man how lives in a hotel , in sunny days he goes up the stairs to his hotel room and on rainy days he uses the elevator why?

1 + 1 = 4 (medium)

Question: If 1+1=4, 7-3=2, and 5x2=8, then what is half of 19?

Question: What goes next: 4,7,93,12,9,8,?

Question: I am two five letter names 500 is at the start, 10 is in my heart. In the middle of that is 1, Near the end is none. At the end is 14, Yet that is not all that has been seen. It's a word that rhymes with liver, Yes, to the left of that is river.