Good Riddles


Question: What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

Question: One female dog goes in and there are no other dogs in there so why did dogs come out?

Question: A man goes rock climbing and falls. But at the end of the climb, he appears to be fine. What happened?

Jane Doe (medium)

Question: A woman was born in 1818, she is 23 years old. How is this possible?

Question: I supply the facts, but you supply the thoughts. I am also used to describe realistic droughts. My inhabitants are abstract as their places, And I provide details of their words & faces. I hold details in a very complex form, I may cause your mind to conjure up a storm. I hold many different views from different eyes, My facts can be hard to find; as if in disguise. I may tell of facts, but it may be theories I contain, I can inform, persuade, and can even entertain. I tell of a little girl, and of men chasing a whale, and only through me can you find the answer to this tale. What am I?