Good Riddles

Riddle #1206 (medium)

Question: A trail, a union, together tied.
Come across me and you will find,
you cannot change the course I'm on,
without me you cannot travel on.

What am I?

Question: What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?

Riddle #3972 (medium)

Question: What room can no one enter?

Riddle #906 (medium)

Question: A man and a woman both carrying baskets with eggs inside passed each other on the sidewalk. The man told the woman, "If you give me one of your eggs I will have twice as many as you, but if I give you an egg you and I will have the same amount."

How many eggs were in each basket?

Question: A couple goes on a plane. The plane crashes. The crash is in all the newspapers, on all the news channels on radio and television, and everywhere for everything. You know why? Because every single person died. But the next day, that same couple are found walking on the street, happy as can be, not a scratch or bruise on them. How can that be? P.S.: For more fun, only read this once. Reading it more will give it away plainly, and you came here to have fun, right?