Question: A young man walks through the forest. He comes to a bridge. In front of the bridge is a large man carrying an axe. The man says, "If you want to cross this bridge, you must tell me a statement. If I think the statement is true, you will be strangled to death. If I say the statement is false, your head will be chopped off." A few minutes later, the young man walked over the bridge, while the larger man stood pondering. What was the statement the young man had given?

Question: Imagine you are swimming in the ocean and a bunch of hungry sharks surround you. How do you get out alive?

Riddle #6 (easy)

Question: What kind of tree is carried in your hand?

Question: What can be swallowed, but can swallow you?

Question: Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?