Riddle #319 (medium)

Question: If a mountain climber climbed up a mountain one day from midnight to midnight the next day and does the same thing the following day when coming down the mountain, would there be a time at which he was at the same position on the mountain both day?

Riddle #320 (medium)

Question: You are awoken at 3 A.M. by a knock on your door. Your parents call you to let you know that they are there for breakfast. You are confused but quickly think of what food you have. You have bread, jam, butter, and eggs. What do you open first?

Riddle #321 (medium)

Question: A man challenges the greatest chess player in the world to two games of chess. He guarantees that he will win or tie at least one of the games for sure. To be even more cocky, the man says he will play both games at the same time.

How does he guarantee he wins or ties at least one game?

Riddle #322 (medium)

By Stephen King

Question: Not chest or box is now discussed. Money can be held in it, but just as we test its metal, within it there is rust.

[What is it?]

Riddle #323 (medium)

Question: A swan is in the center of a circular lake but he cannot take flight from the water, only on land. On the parameter of the lake there is a hunting dog that desperately wants the swan but cannot swim. So the swan must make it to the land before taking off and must do so before the dog makes it to him. The dog is almost 4 times faster than the swan and always runs to the point around the lake closest to the swan.

How can the swan get out of the lake and take flight before the dog gets him?