Question: There were 2 children, the son and the daughter. The daughter was born on January 20th and the son was born on March 12th. Both of them were born in the morning. Which one did their parents see first?

Question: If wanted, use paper!, You may only put 1 line on a number!, how?, thats up to you: 5 + 45 = 450?!.. 883 x 2 = 1776?!.. 282 - 6 x 0 = 288?!..

Question: We are 5 little items, and you can find us all in a tennis court.

Love`s Riddle (medium)

Question: When you close it, you see mysterious and funny looking images. But if you open it, the mysterious images are gone. What Am I?

Question: It’s as old as the day is long and often comes in song It’s sometimes wet but mostly dry It can come in pairs and also squares It’s ugly and beautiful all in the same crucible Some only stare while others compare From big to small it can conquer all What is it?