Riddle #125 (medium)

Question: Feathers, I am as light,
But quite heavy if squeezed tight.
I'm seen as clean and pure,
but often talked about with dirty terms.
What am I?

Riddle #126 (medium)

Question: It dances and skips,
it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the hips,
If it meets its match it's easily caught,
but it's worth nothing if it is bought.
What is it?

Riddle #127 (medium)

Question: John put a coin in a bottle and put a cork on the bottle and later managed to get the coin out without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle. How did he do it?

Question: There is a basket full of hats. 3 of them are white and 2 of them are black. There are 3 men Tom, Tim, and Jim. They each take a hat out of the basket and put it on their heads without seeing the hat they selected or the hats the other men selected. The men arrange themselves so Tom can see Tim and Jim's hats, Tim can see Jim's hat, and Jim can't see anyone's hat.

Tom is asked what color his hat is and he says he doesn't know.
Tim is asked the same question, and he also doesn't know.
Finally, Jim is asked the question, and he does know.

What color is his hat?

Riddle #129 (medium)

Question: There are two ropes that both take exactly 1 hour to burn from end to end. You are unable to cut the rope. How can you burn the two ropes in a total of 45 minutes?