The dogs name (medium)

Question: In a universe there's a galaxy. In a galaxy there's a planet. In a planet there's a continent. In a continent there's a country. In a country there's a city. In a city there's a town. In a town there's a village. In a village there's a house. In a house there's a dog. What is the dog's name.

Question: What goes up and down but never moves?

Question: Lil Johnny's mom has 4 sons named Nickel, Dime, and Quarter: What is the forth sons name? ( And it's not Penny 'cause that's a girl name.)

Question: A town builds a bridge, but this bridge can only hold three people at a time or it will collapse. One night, a baker, a flourist and a butcher go on the bridge, and it collapses. Why did it collapse?

Funny (medium)

Question: What Can Make Food But Not Eat?